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Our story

Akachichi Guesthouse began as a dream...We had been traveling to many different places around the world, discovering the beauty of different cultures and being warmly welcomed by the people we met. After each trip, we became more inspired to create a "home away from home" in Okinawa, where we could also welcome visitors with the same warm hospitality we had experienced abroad. In 2009, we made that dream come true. We hope you decide to come and stay with us and feel the true spirit of Okinawa!

あかちちゲストハウスの始まりは夢の様でした...私たちは世界中の様々な場所を訪れ、多様な文化の美しさを体感し、そこで出逢った人々に温かく迎えて頂きました。旅を終えた後はいつも、世界中の旅人が沖縄に「ホームから離れたもう一つのホーム」をもつこと、を夢みていました。我々が旅先で経験したような温かいおもてなしの心で旅人をお迎えしたい! 2009年、私たちはその夢を実現させました。あかちちに滞在し、沖縄の心を感じてください!

About Us

We try to live a sustainable and healthy life while enjoying Okinawa as a family. We have a small farm where we grow vegetables and fruits naturally. We also have a small flock of chickens! Our passion is nature with a special affection for Okinawa's wondrous sea.



Komaki was born and raised in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. With a strong love for the sea, she fell in love with Okinawa. Her first visit as a tourist was when she was 20 years old. In 2002, Komaki made the decision to move to Okinawa. She enjoys working with people and was employed for several years as a care worker for the elderly and more recently as a childcare worker. As a certified yoga instructor, Komaki also offers yoga lessons at Akachichi's garden and at the beach.



Kenny is half Okinawan and half American. He was born and raised in New Jersey, USA. He came to Okinawa in 1992 to live with his grandparents and discover his roots and never left. He has worked as a lifeguard, journalist, tour guide, and radio announcer. He also is the co-founder of NPO Okinawa O.C.E.A.N., a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Okinawa's marine environment. In 2005, he self-published the first comprehensive English travel guide about Okinawa.


沖縄移住後は、ライフガード、ジャーナリスト、ツアーガイド、ラジオアナウンサーとして働いてきました。また、沖縄の海洋環境を保護することを目的とした非営利団体であるNPO沖縄O.C.E.A.N.の共同創設者でもあります。 2005年に、沖縄についての英語の旅行ガイドブックを自費出版しました。自然に寄り添った農法で野菜や果物、鶏のお世話をするのが日課です。

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Akachichi Guesthouse

348 Aza Maeda, Onna-son

Okinawa, Japan 904-0417


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