Guesthouse Plan
The regular room rate when you book through an online reservation site is 19,900 yen per night (2 persons / 9,950 yen per person), but if you book your room directly through our website, you will receive an automatic discount. Longer stays from 3-4 nights and 5-10 nights have further discounted rates. The online booking system will automatically calculate the discounted price. (*Minimum stay 2 nights. For stays over 10 nights, single occupancy reservations, or triple occupancy reservations, please contact us directly. *All children must be accompanied by an adult and at least 12 years of age.)
Checkin time: 15:00~21:00, Checkout time: 10:00
*We apologize but we do not accept checkins on Sundays. Rooms can be reserved for Sunday if you are checking in any day before Sunday. Also, there is no cleaning service on Sundays and breakfast will be provided the day before to keep in your room refrigerator. Thank you for your understanding.
オンライン予約サイトでの通常宿泊料金は1泊19,900円(2名様/ 1名様9,950円)ですが、当社ホームページから直接ご予約いただくと自動割引となります。 3〜4泊および5〜10泊の長期滞在では、さらにお得な割引料金が適用されます。オンライン予約システムは、割引率を自動的に計算します。 (10日以上のご宿泊・1名様もしくは3名様(ロフト御利用で3名様までご宿泊いただけます)でのご宿泊の場合は、直接お問い合わせください。お子さまのご利用は12歳以上から大人と同料金でご利用いただけます。)
2 Nights Stay with Breakfast Plan
18,900 yen per night (2 persons / 9,450 yen per person)
2泊 朝食付き
3-4 Nights Stay with Breakfast Plan
17,900 yen per night (2 persons / 8, 950 yen per person)
3-4泊 朝食付き
5-10 Nights Stay with Breakfast Plan
16,900 yen per night (2 persons / 8,450 yen per person)
5-10泊 朝食付き
Cancellation Policy: 30 days prior to arrival No Charge, 15-29 days prior to arrival 50% charge, 0-14 days prior to arrival 100% charge
Cancellations due to COVID or Typhoons, please contact us directly for refunds.
キャンセルポリシー:到着の30日以前無料、到着の15〜29日前50%の料金, 到着の0〜14日前100%の料金
*If you are having trouble using our online booking system, please contact us directly.